Zac Valles


MS, Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan 2022

BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of California Riverside, 2020


Coming from a background of structural thermal analysis, I spent the first year at Tesla using this skillset to cut mass and improve reliability of drive unit cases. I then pivoted to work on minimizing vibration transmission of drive units across multiple vehicle platforms, working on both the modeling and design of the attentuation systems for these vibrations. I continue to work on these vibrational problems, but focus on the design of engineering automation tools for the design of new vibration isolators. I also own a large high pressure die cast part that is critical for vehicle durability and vibrational response from the wheels, drive unit, and thermal systems.


During my time as an Associate Propulsion Analyst and Design Engineer (2020 - 2021), I conducted advanced analyses on the torque vectoring system, predicting critical buckling loads through nonlinear materials analysis. I also worked on crack fatigue growth predictions for high-pressure engine lines under random vibration loading.


As a Mechanical Design Intern in 2019, I developed flight hardware for Astranis's first production satellite, Arcturus 1. I focused specifically on the Star Tracker system, a critical component for satellite navigation and control.

Marine Hydrodynamics Lab, University of Michigan

As a Research Assistant (2021-2022), I led hydrodynamic research on cavitating and ventilating hydrofoils. This work resulted in co-authorship of three papers on surface-piercing hydrofoil modeling and control. I also supervised a test program for a surface-piercing hydrofoil, managing a team of three researchers.
